hosting management

Hosting Management

On the often-malicious world of the web,
Nexo Ajans promises to protect you.


Among many other challenges which relate to your website, we take a specific care of security upon preparing your build for deployment on the web.
It is important to mention that the most important aspect which underlies the security of your website is the server/hosting environment.
Since that a vulnerable server, especially a shared environment where many different websites are being hosted together, will be more prone to attacks as well as performance issues, we will make sure that all the correct provisions are in place to deal with varying possible threats.


A reliable infrastructure is the first step towards having a strong website; therefore, we are here to give you what you need.
Your initial move should be investing in a reliable server infrastructure. Then, the perfect thing to choose is a cloud package, especially in the case where you have multiple instances of your site online and any of them can possibly go down at any given moment.
A cloud server has robust variations, among which is the virtual private server. This type costs more money, but it is crucial for a website with a rich media content.
Relating to all web builds, we can offer you the most suitable hosting package that meets your needs and covers both setting up and migrating to the new environment.